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EdCamp was super fun and helpful. I most enjoyed my conversation about managing disruptive behaviours. It was great to have a conversation with my peers about such an important topic. We have all learnt so much over the length of our program, and it was nice to have everyone contribute what they remember and know about the topic. It was a very collaborative space and everyone had a unique perspective to share.

Some key ideas regarding managing disruptive behaviors that my group talked about were:

-Making sure to get to know students-ask what they need, how to help, what’s truly going on?

-Have good communication with parents. Parents and teachers need to be on the same page for student behaviour to really improve.

-Work out a plan. This should be in collaboration with the student, their parents, and any support people involved.

-Have clear and reasonable expectations

-Provide supports, motivators, and materials that can help the student use healthier behaviours.

-As teachers, we need to lean on others for support and make sure to ask for help when we do not know what to do.

I found this video, which focuses on preventing disruptive behaviours, which is also very important when it comes to managing disruptive behaviours.

The video below is also a very informative video!

What else has been missed? There are tons of ways to manage disruptive behaviour, so comment any other ideas you have!