A blog used for EDCI 336

Tag: 336blog

Week 10 Reflection

Image created using DALL·E 3 model found on Easy-peasy.ai

EdCamp was super fun and helpful. I most enjoyed my conversation about managing disruptive behaviours. It was great to have a conversation with my peers about such an important topic. We have all learnt so much over the length of our program, and it was nice to have everyone contribute what they remember and know about the topic. It was a very collaborative space and everyone had a unique perspective to share.

Some key ideas regarding managing disruptive behaviors that my group talked about were:

-Making sure to get to know students-ask what they need, how to help, what’s truly going on?

-Have good communication with parents. Parents and teachers need to be on the same page for student behaviour to really improve.

-Work out a plan. This should be in collaboration with the student, their parents, and any support people involved.

-Have clear and reasonable expectations

-Provide supports, motivators, and materials that can help the student use healthier behaviours.

-As teachers, we need to lean on others for support and make sure to ask for help when we do not know what to do.

I found this video, which focuses on preventing disruptive behaviours, which is also very important when it comes to managing disruptive behaviours.

The video below is also a very informative video!

What else has been missed? There are tons of ways to manage disruptive behaviour, so comment any other ideas you have!

Week 8 Inquiry

Photo by Prasanth Inturi

Over the reading break I had enough time to watch and follow along with a new YouTube yoga video. I chose to try Short Wake Up Flow By Yoga with Adriene, and I really enjoyed it. This yoga session video made me feel more energized in my body and mind!

I skipped my yoga session on Friday that week, as I had a busy day spending time with family and friends. Surprisingly I didn’t feel guilty about missing a session. Although I didn’t take care of my mental health by using yoga, I strengthened my mental wellness through social interaction. As I’ve said before, the whole point of this inquiry is to improve my mental health, so I am not going to stress myself out over missing a day of yoga, (especially if its just because I had fun plans and was busy).

Over the last couple weeks, I have been noticing that my overall mental health has been really good lately. Looking back at my tracking document, I definitely can see that I have been feeling better mentally more often than before. This is the case even when looking at how I feel before doing the yoga. So although the yoga sessions don’t always make me feel way better mentally right after, I think they might be making me feel better in general.

Lastly, I talked to my learning pod this week and everyone’s inquiries seem to be going well! Michael finished reading a book on talking to strangers, and it sounded very interesting. Rick and Emma’s inquiries also sound like they are on track!

Week 3 Reflection

Image showing person walking in pre-marked footprints

I liked the fact that we went over ideas on what to do when we have no idea what to do in a classroom. There are a few good resources one could use, such as teacher pay teacher, google, AI. Unfortunately, AI takes a lot of information and resources from the Internet that people do not want to share for use to the public, which is very interesting to me.

I liked learning about creative commons licensed images, because I had learned about them in a first year computer science and they talked about it, but I didn’t remember much about it now. I liked getting a refresher about what I can and can’t use when creating my own content for students. Something that was completely new for me was the topic of fair use/dealing. Fair use/dealing allows educators to use material for purposes that benefit society then it is okay. Open education resources “are reusable, adaptable, and useful educational content is available if you know where and how to look.”

My screencast went well! It took me a pretty good chunk of time to figure everything out, but once I did, it wasn’t too difficult! I will definitely be using this in my future classrooms for sure. Of my learning pod group members, only one other person has finished their screencast so far, (Emma) and she said it took her a long time to do as well. We warned our other group members that it may take longer than they think it will. We also mentioned some key tips on how we made ours!

Week 2 Reflection

Creative Commons Image

I found the conversation about inquiry based learning to be especially interesting this week. There are pros and cons when it comes to inquiry projects in classrooms, but I personally like the idea of inquiry projects because they can foster creativity and create the opportunity for authentic student learning. A con to inquiry projects is that when given full autonomy, some students will not work as hard or feel as motivated to create a quality inquiry project. This might be because there is usually less of a strict structure on what needs to be done in an inquiry project. Regardless, I think that with the right support, any student is capable of feeling motivated to produce a quality inquiry project surrounding their interest(s).

I feel nervous but also excited about my inquiry project. I am especially excited about my inquiry project because I’ve picked a topic that will hopefully help with my mental health and the feeling of balance in my life. As stated in my inquiry post, I will be doing my inquiry project on seeing if doing 15 minutes of yoga per day will help improve my mental health.

I also wanted to mention that I think the Terms of Service Didn’t Read website (https://tosdr.org) sounds incredibly helpful and I will be using this from now on! I didn’t realize anything like that existed and I think it will be very useful for me to use as a teacher and to also share with students (with permission).

Week 1 Reflection- Chloe Ritchey

Getting my blog setup was more challenging than I thought it would be. Something went wrong with my setup, and so I was sent an email saying that an error occurred when setting up my account. I then filled out a form and conversed for a couple days with a tech leader from opened, and they got it all setup for me. Regardless of the struggle I experienced with this, I am excited to explore the world of blogging. Reflections are always helpful for learning, and doing it via a blog is an interesting and new way for me to do it!

I was quite nervous about this course (because I am not very experienced with using tech), but now that we’ve had our first class, I have realized that I am looking forward to and am excited about EDCI 336. Despite the fact that I am not a big fan of technology, I know it is extremely important in this day and age, and so I am looking forward to learning more about the different platforms and technologies that one could use as a teacher. I am most excited to learn about the specific types of platforms and tech that I will likely be using as a teacher!

The reason I am not a huge fan of tech in classrooms is because most students are already getting a ton of screen time in their daily lives, so I do not want to add much more. In addition, tech has been unpredictable for me in the past. I also do not feel confident in my tech skills, so I have always preferred to use other ways of teaching/presenting. I do see value in using tech in classrooms though. Most students are using tech for fun outside of their classrooms, and so using tech (something they find fun) inside the classroom to teach students different topics is valuable. I think there is also a lot of creativity that can be fostered when technology is used, whether that is the teacher using tech to teach or the students using it to learn.

Love to learn - decorative image
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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