For our EdTech presentation, we recorded a conversation about whether social media should be incorporated into the classroom. Each of us already had different opinions on the topic going into the conversation, as we have our own biases and past experiences with the topic. We also had each done our own research, which made our perspectives differ. After briefly going over some key points we wanted to talk about, we began the recording of the conversation. Each group member explained their thoughts on the topic and explored the pros and cons of bringing social media into the classroom.

For this assignment, each of us did our own research prior to the conversation. We used a shared google doc to share our research and look at what all the members of the group had found. Then in the conversation, I spoke about how I felt about social media in classrooms. I am quite on the fence about bringing social media into the classroom, as I see many pros but also some cons. I think this was shown in my contribution to the recorded conversation.

Overall I think the video went well. It was a fun and informative assignment, and it was interesting to have a conversation like that with my peers!